Courtauld Patrons

At the heart of the art 51²è¹Ý¶ù

Courtauld Patrons are a group of extraordinary philanthropists who play a critical role in ensuring The Courtauld continues to flourish as a ground-breaking centre of academic excellence for exceptional teaching and research in art history, curating and conservation.

Your kindness and generosity will go towards supporting our innovative programme of exhibitions, safeguarding one of the world51²è¹Ý¶ù finest art collections for future generations to enjoy, and increasing vital provisions for our students to excel in their studies.

If you would like to enjoy a closer relationship with The Courtauld and gain unparalleled access to our illustrious alumni, expert conservators and curators, and leading academics through a curated programme of exclusive events, we’d love to hear from you.

Become a Patron

Two people in conversation on stage.

Patrons' Circle

Gain unparalleled access to a world-renowned Gallery and collection through a curated programme of exclusive events...

Director's Circle

Enjoy a close relationship with The Courtauld and get unprecedented access to our international community of leading experts...

Patronage benefits

  • Invitation to our exhibition private views
  • Invitation to Director’s breakfast private views
  • Invitation to curator-led breakfast private views and early morning views
  • Curated programme of exclusive events including expert-led visits to galleries, exhibitions and collections
  • Opportunity to join art and architecture trips**
  • VIP access to selected art fairs including Frieze and Photo London
  • Free unlimited entry to our permanent collection and exhibitions, plus Courtauld Lates, for you and a guest
  • Access to presale tickets and sold out time slots
  • Access to ticketed events programme curated for Friends**
  • Priority booking to selected events, lectures and debates
  • Advance notice and priority booking for art history short courses
  • Access to The Courtauld Libraries by appointment
  • 10% discount in the Art Café
  • 10% discount in-store and online at The Courtauld Shop***
  • The Courtauld News; our annual magazine with insights, interviews, and stories from across The Courtauld community
  • Patrons’ e-newsletter with exclusive offers from our respected partners

Contact us


Call 020 3947 7777 (lines open Mon – Fri, 10.00 – 17.00)

*Monthly Direct Debit for 12 months. Direct Debit payment not available on Gift Membership.

Please note for Gift Aid purposes, we are required to indicate the commercial value of the benefits we may offer to Patrons’ Circle (£650) and Director’s Circle (£950). Any voluntary donation above the agreed values of benefits will be eligible for Gift Aid; it is possible to purchase a Patrons’ Circle or Director’s Circle Patronage without making a donation.

Courtauld Institute of Art (company no 4464432) is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 2011.
